Self Advocacy For People With A Learning Difficulty

We support people to gain confidence and learn how to speak up for themselves. 

We do this through group meetings and events:

monthly meeting for people who live independently

monthly meeting for people in supported living

social events

lads group

ladies group

young adults group

open events where more people can speak up about important issues

the A team – training people to keep themselves safe

the Respect campaign – raising awareness about hate crime towards people with learning difficulties

The group members have the power! They are supported to make decisions and plans about their groups.

We don’t just talk! We use lots of fun ways to help people speak up, like games, role play, film, podcasts and accessible, interactive workshops.

We think accessible information is really important.

We have an easy read service – please click here to find out more.

For more information about our self advocacy groups, please click here.